About us

Under the umbrella of the International Center (IZC), the International Office and the Language Center of the TU Clausthal work together on the internationalization of studies and teaching.

We are responsible for the international cooperation of the TU Clausthal and in this context we take care of delegations, represent the university at international fairs and events and further expand the network of partnerships. We are responsible for the language courses offered and continue to develop the program with regard to the growing demand for additional language qualifications. In addition, the IZC advises the Presidential Board of TU Clausthal on internationalization issues.



Here you can find news published by the IZC as well as further relevant information.



Here you can find an overview of the ICC team as well as the individual responsibilities.

Print media

Print media

Here you can find an overview of the print media published by the ICC and Clausthal University of Technology.



Events planned by the ICC as well as a link to the general event calender of Clausthal University of Technology can be found here.