
Early on in their studies, students should consider the possibility of going abroad. Some questions to ask oneself include the following:

  • Which countries do I find interesting?
  • Which foreign languages can I already speak, or rather, which ones would I like to learn?
  • Would I rather study abroad or gain practical experience abroad?
  • How long should I plan to stay abroad?  

Along with these questions, the following considerations should also be kept in mind:

  • Going abroad should normally not make the duration of your studies longer.
  • A preparation period of 6 to 9 months should be planned, depending on the degree program and university (an internship takes less time). The matter of financing the stay abroad is crucial

Please note!

Students who would like to study or do an internship abroad must first take part in an info session. These info sessions take place once a month. To look at our current dates, please download them via "links".

Internationales Zentrum Clausthal (IZC)

Telefon: +49 5323 72-2231
Fax: +49 5323 72-3939
E-Mail: go-out@tu-clausthal.de

Graupenstraße 11
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld