Ways to go abroad

Whether you would like to study for a semester, do an internship, write a thesis paper, study a dual degree, or plan a teaching or research visit abroad, the International Center Clausthal (IZC) will gladly provide students with advice and information on the multiple possibilities available to organize such a stay.

Please note: students who would like to study or do an internship abroad must first take part in an info session. These info sessions take place once a month. To look at our current dates, please click here.




Early on in their studies, students should consider the possibility of going abroad.



Here you can find further information about how to go abroad within the Erasmus+ Program



Die TU Clausthal verfügt auch außerhalb Europas über zahlreiche Kooperationen. Partnerhochschulen befinden sich auf allen Kontinenten. Das IZC berät Sie gerne über Ihre jeweiligen Möglichkeiten eines Auslandsstudiums.



Further information anbout an internship outside of Germany can be found here

Summer- and Winter Schools

Summer- and Winter Schools

Here you can find out more about the summer and winter school offers of our partner universities

Support Options

Support Options

Students who want to go abroad can choose from a variety of support options.

Partner Universities

Partner Universities

Here you can find further information about our partner universities in Europe and worldwide