Erasmus+ is the most successful educational program of the EU and is a key component of the Lifelong Learning Program (LLP). Through Erasmus+, students can study in another European country, allowing them to broaden their social and cultural competencies. Participants will gain insights into the academic system of a foreign university and benefit from its unique teaching and learning methodologies. In comparison to a standard application at a European university, Erasmus+ provides numerous advantages.
- Study abroad for 2 to 12 months at a partner university of TU Clausthal (possibly for the completion of a Bachelor's or Master's thesis)
- Simplified admission process at the partner university
- Exemption from tuition fees at the host institution
- General acceptance of academic credits achieved abroad
- Payment of a mobility grant
- Support in preparing for the study abroad experience from both the International Center and the partner institution regarding application, enrollment, accommodation, cultural events, etc.
- Limited special funds are available for students with disabilities to cover additional costs related to studying abroad (further information).
Bettina Sekler
Telephone: +49 5323 72-2231
Fax: +49 5323 72-3939
Room 1
Graupenstraße 11
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Consultation hours:
Book an appointment here