Doctors & Emergencies
It is common in Germany to consult first a general practitioner for general ailments. There are both general practitioners and specialists (ophthalmologists, dermatologists etc.) in Germany. When you need to see a doctor, it is wise to make an appointment beforehand. If necessary, he will refer you to a specialist.
In Germany, you do not pay for normal doctor appointments as long as you are insured. You should therefore always have your health insurance card with you. Further information can be provided for you at the insurance company.
If you urgently need a doctor at night, on the weekends or on holidays, visit the medical emergency and on-call services. Principally, all hospitals help those in need of urgent medical care.
Clausthal has ample primary health care services available. There is the Robert Koch Hospital (Robert-Koch-Krankenhaus), general medical practices, specialists for various fields of medicine, numerous pharmacies as well as a number of physiotherapy practices.
Important telephone numbers for emergencies:
Ambulance/ Fire Department: | 112 |
Police: | 110 |
Medical emergency service in Goslar (weekends): 0 53 21 / 68 90 30 Pediatric emergency service: 0 18 05 / 1 12 04 55