Application for student aid / graduation grant

Here you will find the application for the graduation scholarship and study grant for the SoSe 2024:

Please note:

  • Applicants who are funded according to BAföG or whose funding has been discontinued because the maximum funding duration has been exceeded are not eligible for a grant.
  • Funding during the bachelor's program is only possible from the 4th semester at TU Clausthal.
  • In postgraduate study programs (Master's etc.), funding is possible from the 2nd semester at TU Clausthal.
  • Students who are not from a developing country on the DAC list are not eligible for funding.
  • Compared to the previous semester, significant progress in studies must be evident.
  • Applications that are not completely or legibly filled out or are missing the required documents will be rejected.
  • Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

More information can be found in the guidelines for awarding graduation scholarships and study grants at Clausthal University of Technology under Links.

Name all files during the file upload with your name and the designation (e.g., "Max Mustermann_application.pdf").

Application period: 15.07. - 16.08.2024

Submission deadline: Friday, 16.08.2024, 12:00 PM

Follow this link to the application form.

Ensure that all requirements and conditions are met to maximize the chances of receiving funding.

Hasan Habbabeh

Telephone: +49 5323 72-3918
Fax: +49 5323 72-3939

Room 3
Graupenstraße 11
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Consultation hours:
Book an appointment here