
Fields marked with an asterisk(*) are mandatory

Special remark in regards to questions about the financial standing: Please always fill in a mandatory field with a 0 in case that you do not receive / have a income / assets / financial support which fits the question

Personal Information
Bank account
Previous Studies
Financial Standing
Parents Income
Additional Information
This application is accompanied by:

1. Justification of the application, particularly explaining the need for the grant
2. UNBEDENKLICHKEITSBESCHEINIGUNG from Studienportal (printed)
3. Information on current financial situation and expenses (if applicable):

Bank statements (also Paypal, credit card, etc.) of the previous 3 months (complete and without any gaps!)

Complete list of all further bank and savings accounts (copies included)

Proof of other sources of income (employment contract, pay slip, accommodation allowance, child benefits, scholarships etc.)

If married, proof of financial situation of spouse (income, accounts, saving accounts)

4. Copy of rental agreement

5. Passport and residence permit (EAT)

6. Photo

Please note that a single document can not exceed a size of 10MB and all documents together must be below 25MB in filesize.

I hereby affirm that the information provided is accurate and complete.

I am aware that I have to inform without delay the International Center Clausthal of any changes of income and/or assets, especially in cases of obtaining employment.

I will also inform the International Center Clausthal if I interrupt or finish my studies at the TU Clausthal.

Providing inaccurate information, especially about income and assets, as well as failure to provide information about changes in circumstances, will result in my exclusion from further funding and my paying back the total amount of support payments already received.

I hereby agree that the information I have provided in this application may be verified and information will be gathered (for example from other funding bodies and/or the Examination Office) in order to prevent double funding.

Through submitting my data I agree to the above stated terms.